Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm certain you have seen/heard the TV commercial "When I grow up I want to be an old Woman", right? When I first heard it my reaction was: WHAT!! Are you kidding? Why?.....Then after thinking about it: Ya, suppose so; the alternative sucks!!!

This clip, however, is a great one. It deals, in somewhat a humorous way, with a serious FEAR..getting older.
Can't get round much any more. Takes longer to do what I used to do.
Day-to-day activities have become challenges....Looks like a rockin
chair and card playing future....
Fortunately in today's world, that FEAR can be successfully addressed and overcome
by being informed and pro-active. This is especially true regarding one's home.

Ageing at home, or assisting loved ones to do so, traditionlly has been a dreadful, daunting task. one that was usually avoided, put-off until a crisis forced attention to it.....And Yes, that was me and our family.

First it was my sister-inlaw who contracted MS. Years later, my mother fell and broke her hip. Neither could function in their own homes. Being a graduate in architectural design with spcialization in residential housing I shockingly realized that designing was based upon BUILDINGS rather than PEOPLE. Homes are designed with an archectural style, fitted with "pop and flair" and fancy fixtures, people acquire them....then adapt/adjust to the house. This all seems just backwards.

Since then I have been directed to understanding the needs/wants of people and designing homes/additions to meet those requirements. This especially applys to the physically challenged and seniors.

AND can be done. Your home does not have to be as it is, you do have choices. You can have your home the way you want/need it to be to work for you. To do so does require SIGNIFICANT study and planning....and PLANNING AHEAD.

Check back....I'll be addressing this. Be informed...stay informed

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